Things need to change....
Currently taking PRE-ORDERS for shipping in July 2025.
We wanted to share some important information with you about why this Collection exists and what it is designed to take action on....
Graphics Credit : Professor Ed Hawkins
How it started?
We were inspired the moment we first discovered Professor Ed Hawkins' climate stripes infographic! Instantly we thought how could we take this message and weave it into the fabric of what we do, what we stand for and the difference it can make.....
With the kind support of Ed and the whole team at The University of Reading we have created a collection of items to make a difference. The collection comprises of items either being sold at less than cost to support a charitable donation or sold with a 50% of profits donation.
You can hear Ed talk more about how the #ClimateStripes came to be and what your support can help him and his team do in enhancing our understanding of the historical data.
Professor Ed Hawkins Talks About The ProjectWhat are the Charitable Causes this Collection Supports?
1. The 173 Limited Jumper Tee items will be sold to help and inspire the raising of £110,000 to fund a new PhD research project which will be supervised by Professor Ed Hawkins MBE.
The University of Reading is a world leader in climate science and its scientists are amongst the world's most influential. The University of Reading has charitable status, which you can read all about here.
Ed is a professor of climate science at the University and creator of the #ClimateStripes, a visualisation of how the world is warming over time. The Climate Stripes are now recognised globally as a symbol for climate change and climate action.
Ed is also one of the lead authors of the latest United Nations IPCC reports, established to provide policymakers across the planet with scientific evidence on climate change and to suggest ways to minimise its consequences. He has also been awarded an MBE in recognition of his contributions to climate science.
More about the #ClimateStripes discovery can be found here and more about Professor Ed Hawkins can be found here.
2. The blanket, belt, fabric by the metre and A4 fabric sample certificate items will be sold to help raise funds for Client Earth. Client Earth use the power of the law to protect all life on the planet. They are a team of over 250 people across eight offices, dedicated to protecting life on Earth. They work in over 50 countries, ingeniously using the law to create systemic change. They focus on the most pressing environmental challenges, because a future in which people and planet thrive together isn't just possible - it's essential. To ream more about them, click here.
Tell me more about the PhD research project?
The student awarded this opportunity will be working under the supervision of Ed Hawkins investigating historic weather records collected in the UK from the 17th to 19th centuries, including some newly discovered archives.
This three year research project will help test and improve the robustness of some of the world's longest running climate records, adding even more credibility to the historic data sets.
The project will provide more accurate data which can then be used to reconstruct past extreme weather events including major storms and droughts. The outputs will be freely shared with other climate scientists around the globe.
The project has a clear goal, accelerating the evidence to support actions we need to take today to stop irreversible warming of our planet, the one home we all share.
The PhD is due to start in 2023. Read the full PhD summary here.
How does the PhD fundraise work?
We are selling these jumper/tees at lower than cost to encourage all custodians for these items to also donate a minimum of £500 to the #ClimateStripes charity - you can do this here. Note - you do not need to order this item to donate should you wish to do so.
Once your order has been placed we will email you with more information on how to make your tartan rebel donation. When you do make the donation please add to the comments box the #climatetartanrebel, and if you wish let us know that you have done it so we can personally thank you!
How does it add up to £110,000?
We need to raise £110,000, so are asking all Climate Tartan Rebels to donate a minimum of £500. UK Taxpayers can boost their donations thanks to Gift Aid, making their donation worth an additional 25%.
If we sell 173 items and all customers donate £500 and say yes to Gift Aid too, collectively we will have raised 173 x (£500 +25%) = £108,125. That's almost there!
We acknowledge that not all donations may not qualify for Gift Aid, and the minimum we could raise would be 173 x £500 = £86,500.
Can I donate to the PhD fund without buying anything?
Yes you sure can, please just click here to the #ClimateStripes donation page and feel free to leave in the comments the tartan rebels sent you :)
Tell me more about The University of Reading?
The University of Reading is one of the world’s leading centres for climate science research and teaching. The University was the most represented institution in the world in Working Group of the latest UN global climate change report.
The climate stripes, created by Professor Ed Hawkins at the University, have been seen on badges worn by US senators, on the Main Stage at Reading Festival and on the cover of Greta Thunberg’s new book on climate change.
In 2021, the University was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher Education – the most prestigious award in the university sector – for its work on climate change and pioneering work around improving climate education for young people.
Tell me more about the funds being raised for the Client Earth part of the collection?
For these 4 items 50% of the item profits will be donated to Client Earth to support their ongoing legal work in challenging governments to not relent on their climate promises.....
Why launched on the 23rd October?
COP27 will end 27 days after the 23rd October, 18th November. We would love nothing more than to have sold all pre-order PhD Jumper Tee's before that date and smashed that £110k target for Ed and the Reading University!
Tell me more about the pre-order?
The pre-order period for this Collection will now remain open until we can fully fund this project.
This means that we will be weaving fabric on a rolling basis with your item being shipped as close to within 6 weeks from the date of order as possible. The reason it may be up to 6 weeks is just to cover that we in the middle of weaving a restock bolt of fabric.
I can donate or buy anything but want to do something? Try the ONE THING
The Concept of sharing your Just One Thing
Any other questions?
Please do reach out to us anytime if you have other questions, we love questions, its gets us all thinking..... You will find our email at the bottom of this page at the contact us section.